2019 Jun 22

Traveler’s Kit and How to Be Prepared for Anything


When we are preparing for a trip — things get crazy. Just as much as traveling is exciting, it is also often dangerous. Clothes flood floors, lists get lost, and people get hurt. If you are anything like us, you know how stressful it can get. What makes it even worse is that you never know what might happen while you are far away, exploring the foreign lands. That is where Traveler’s Kit comes into play, like a secret superpower. It can protect you from unnecessary sunburns, baggage losses, and arguments with loved ones.

To help you avoid the mistakes we have made, here is a traveler’s kid we would have been happy to have received ourselves. We have compiled the list based on four stages any traveler goes through to make it easier to pack and give you a justification to shamelessly throw those PJ on at the back of your carrier.

Before the trip

Those are the items you might need regardless ‘where’ are you. It is better to keep them in your back bag or bag — somewhere you can easily access them any time you might need them.

Before the trip

Documents. The first thing is the documents. You will not get far without them. Those papers are probably the only thing you can never find a replacement for — so rechecking and them checking again is probably not going to hurt. To make the process even more comfortable, print our a list and buy a special folder you can put your tickets, passport, and other documents in. That way you will quickly see if all the things are in place. It will also make the airport experience much less drawing. Losing documents when you are prepared are much more. And though being a free-spirited artist might sound great on paper, it is not in fact.

First Aid. You also need at least a basic first aid, that will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences of the change. How big your traveler’s kit will probably depend on the duration of your trip and your personal ‘worrying.’ There are many points you need to consider when traveling abroad.

On the route

Being in an airport is not exactly the most fun experience in the world. It comes with a lot of stress, anxiety, and yes, tiredness. No matter how often or rarely you travel, it is always tiring. You might think you’d rather do almost anything else.

Baggage. If you have done everything right, you should already have all your documents in check. That means now it is time to take care of your baggage. Buy the one with the special protection code and give preference to the long-lasting carriers. Yes, they are not cheap, but it is a worthy investment that will serve you for years to come. For extra security, you can use bag tags. The identification sign will make it easier to identify it, in case of loss. As a side note, it is also an excellent way to promote your business.

Food. When traveling, have at least some small snacks with you. The food in airports is not only expensive but also often limited to unhealthy options. If you want to feel even better about yourself, also bring an empty water bottle with you. That way, you can fill it in after the security checks. It is a small, but the thoughtful thing to do that will save you a lot of trouble later.

Entertainment. Sometimes, long flights are the perfect time to catch up on the book you have meant to read for a long time. Use the opportunity to read the book or watch the show you have meant to watch for a long time.

Safe Trip during the pandemic

And, speaking of the most important tips and must-have items for traveling nowadays… Even if you do not have some symptoms yet, you can easily get infected while being abroad. Thus, you can spread the virus to your friends and relatives when you come back. Always remember to follow the rules and use safety measures in order to keep yourself and your family safer.
We recommend following these steps to protect yourself and others when you travel:

Safe Trip during the pandemic

1. Avoid contact with anyone in the airport or in the plane who is sick and maintain a distance of 6 feet(2 meters) from them.

2. Try not to touch surfaces, such as handrails, elevator buttons, and kiosks very often, and in case of touching wash your hands afterward.

3. Always wear Face Masks or/and Face Shields, and have supplementary ones in your baggage.

4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth in order not to take the possible virus inside you.

5. Take care about others! Always cover your face when coughing and sneezing.

6. Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water or hand sanitizers.

Long story short, by following these steps you can minimize the probability of getting infected. 😉

For the trip

Not the Traveler’s Kit items you will need to have by your side when well being in the middle of the travel.

For the trip

House necessities. Check in with a place you are living in — look through the hotel requirements to know whether they have a toothbrush and slippers. If you are staying in an Airbnb — ask what do they have. You might need to bring an extra towel or anything along those lines. To make arriving less stressful, check in with the owner and ask them questions. Do not hesitate; it is only in their best interest to make you feel welcomed.

Weather. As we have mentioned above, you need to always know about the weather of the place you are going to. Believe us, bad weather and an absence of the nice coat can make looking at an Eiffel Tower absolute torture. Not being prepared to the weather can ruin the entire experience.

Camera. You need not have the best camera one to make it work. Our smartphones are powerful enough to create great photographs without you having to invest countless amount. Most of the time, they are better than you could have ever imagined.

On your way back

The trip is not over after you are back. You will not only need to present the gifts you had carefully looked for when you were traveling, but also

Fridge Magnets

Presents. Now, when you came back — you need to be thinking about a couple of things. First, is present. Some of us hate them; some love them. Does not matter to which group you belong, you are probably doing it, anyway. Try to buy the present and souvenir you like on the day you see them. It is tempting to think you will come back to the place or find something, but years of experience prove you never do. And end up regretting it, chaotically buying whatever you see on the last day.

If you have already forgotten about someone and going back to Paris for that beautify. You can print custom magnets with your own images (or images from the Internet, if you want them to never know about your mistake). There is always a way out. 😉

Memories. You would probably want to have a reminder of the memories you have made during the trip. That is why the next must-have item in our Traveler’s Kit list are photo albums, photo panels, and collages. Even in the digital age, having a reminder of the memories you have made with your loved ones will be a guarantee of the good mood, long after you will be back.

The best traveler’s kit is the one you custom collect yourself.

You will never find the perfect list of items you need to make your trip work 100%. It is the case because not only our trips are different, but our personalities and how much a pair of shoes we consider appropriate do.

The best thing you can do though is practice and keep a note of what works and what does not, because no one ever will know your idiocrasies as good as you do yourself. And the most import thing — don’t forget to enjoy it!
